
·  欧洲招聘网 http://www.ouzhou.cc 日期:2024年08月04日_2024-08-04


About the position

Technische Universität Braunschweig is one of Germany’s leading institutes of technology and offers an inspiring work environment with a wide range of research and teaching opportunities in state-of-the-art facilities. The 3,800 members of our academic, technical and administrative staff – including more than 400 international scientific staff – work together to ensure that our university successfully fulfils its mission of providing excellent teaching for our approximately 16,000 students and 100 trainees.

We focus our research on mobility, metrology, engineering for health, and the future city. Our core disciplines include a comprehensive engineering division and a strong natural sciences division, closely linked with business sciences, social sciences, educational sciences, and the humanities.

Our university is located at the heart of one of Europe’s most research-intensive regions.  We cooperate closely with the more than 20 internationally renowned research institutions in our vicinity and our network extends to our partner universities in Germany and all over the world, with whom we maintain strong relationships.

We offer a W3-Professorship for Planning of Public Transport Systems

The appointment is for the earliest possible date.

Your responsibilities

We are looking for a research oriented scientist who will represent the field of planning and operation of public transport systems in an international context and further develop the scientific profile of the TU Braunschweig in this field in an innovative way.

In order to meet the requirements that arise for public transport from today's and tomorrow's societal perspective, the professorship conducts research from the perspective of the overarching themes of participation, environment & sustainability, safety and economic efficiency, and takes into account an overall system view as well as the sustainability goals of the United Nations in all innovations. The focal points in basic and applied research are to include in particular the areas of planning, operation and interconnection of public transport systems.

Specific research topics include, for example

Data driven modelling of traffic demand in public transport,

Network planning, taking into account different (public) transport modes and public welfare requirements,

Flexible forms of operation providing accessibility of rural areas,

Service design for Mobility as a Service,

Modelling, simulation and optimisation of networked operational processes and

Optimising the use of resources and

Design of public transportation facilities taking into account functional objectives and structural constraints.

The professorship is affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences and represents the field of public transport in the programmes of study in civil, environmental, transport and industrial engineering in teaching.

The research areas "Mobility" and "Future City" offer the professorship excellent interdisciplinary opportunities at the TU Braunschweig.

The successful candidate (f/m/d) is expected to be committed to the university’s strategic goals and to actively shape its holistic development (https://www.tu-braunschweig.de/hochschulentwicklung). In addition to the classic service areas of a university (research, teaching and studies, transfer, governance and administration), this applies in particular to digitalisation, internationalisation, equality and diversity, as well as knowledge exchange.


Our expectations

In teaching, the subject of public transport systems should be represented in the Bachelor's and in the Master's programme in both German and English.

The willingness to engage in interdisciplinary cooperation with other departments of the faculty and to contribute to cross-sectional topics of the faculty such as environmental protection and digitalisation is expected. In addition, active participation in shaping the research areas "Future City" and "Mobility" is desired. Participation in academic self-administration is a matter of course.

The successful candidate will have a relevant scientific record and solid experience in the planning and operation of transport systems. The scientific potential should be demonstrated by an excellent publication record appropriate to the academic age.


International networking

Practical experience in the feld of public transport systems can be demonstrated by taking on advisory, planning or management functions in projects as well as participation in standardisation or expert committees

Didactic aptitude, language skills for teaching in German and English

Experience in interdisciplinary cooperation

Willingness to actively participate in faculty matters and committees

Leadership competence and further extra-disciplinary or interdisciplinary (personal, social and methodological) competences.


Requirements, § 25 NHG

A degree in a relevant field

Pedagogical aptitude

Special qualification for in-depth independent scientific work, as a rule proven by an above-average doctorate

Additional academic achievements, usually within the framework of a junior professorship, a post-doctoral degree (Habilitation) or through achievements equivalent to a Habilitation

Application date

The application deadline is 2024-09-15.

How to apply
