
·  欧洲招聘网 http://www.ouzhou.cc 日期:2024年08月18日_2024-08-18



Recruitment Brochure


Based on the concept of " safety, efficiency, and quality", DDH Engineering Management Co., Ltd. is committed to the construction of new energy industrial parks and supporting infrastructure. We provide customers with the one-stop service covering engineering design, construction, MEP installation, and post-maintenance, and in turn we are rewarded with customers’ recognition. In 2022, our production value has exceeded 20 billion RMB.


DDH Engineering Management Co., Ltd. is incorporated in February 2024. With enthusiasm for the “belt and road” initiative, and rooted in the field of construction, we shall make due contribution to China’s new energy industry.


We look forward to creating a better future with you on board.



Email for resume:  chenyal@ndsdtz.com



MEP Installation Project Manager



1. 负责对施工项目实施全过程、全面管理,组织制定项目部的各项管理制度。

Responsible for the overall management of project through the whole process, and responsible for making the management regulations for the project department.,

2. 确定项目部的组织机构,选择聘用管理人员,确定管理人员职责,并定期进行考核、评价和奖惩。 

Define the organizational structure of the project department, recruit the managing personnel and define their duties, and conduct performance evaluation on regular basis.

3. 整合、调配内外部工作资源,确保公司项目的顺利组织实施、交付,在工程的质量、安全、成本、进度等方面实现项目既定的管理目标。 

Integrate and mobilize inner & outer project resources, ensuring the project execution and delivery, and further achieving the management objectives in terms of engineering quality, safety, cost and schedule.

4. 在公司的授权范围内,代表公司协调、处理与业主、分包方等方面的项目外部关系工作。 

On behalf of the company, coordinate relationships with the client and the contractors on site, within the company’ authorization.

5. 代表公司在项目现场对工程分包方进行现场管理。

On behalf of the company, manage the contractors on site.



1. 电气工程、机电一体化、制冷和暖通等相关专业大专或以上学历;

Have a college degree or a higher degree in Electrical Engineering, Mech-Electronical Engineering, HVAC or relevant programs;

2. 5年以上厂房设施工程施工、设计等工作经验,有海外厂房末端工程项目管理经验优先考虑;

More than 5 years of experiences in factory facility design and construction, better if having management experiences in overseas final-phase factory construction projects;

3. 优秀的统筹管理能力和沟通能力;

Excellent management and communication skills;

4. 英语听说读写流利,可作为工作语言!

Fluent in English, can use English as working language.



Overseas Procurement Manager/Engineering



1.  制定采购计划与策略,控制采购成本,‌确保在质量、‌价格、‌交货期等方面得到平衡。

Make procurement plans and strategies, control the cost, ensuring the balance among quality, price and delivery period.

2.  供应商的开发与维护:筛选、评估并维护一批合格的国际供应商,建立长期稳定的合作关系,制定供应商评估标准。

The development and management of suppliers: select, evaluate and maintain a group of qualified international suppliers, establishing long-term partnership and making supplier evaluation standard.

3.  采购执行与监控,主导商务谈判、采购进度、质量检验、清关和货物验收等全过程。 

Responsible for procurement execution and monitor, taking lead in the whole process of negotiations, procurement progress, quality assurance, custom clearance and cargo acceptance.

4.  与项目团队、财务、法务等部门保持紧密沟通,确保采购活动与公司整体战略及项目需求一致。

Stay in close communication with the project team, as well as finance, legal and other departments, ensuring that procurement is in alignment with the company's overall strategy and project requirements.

5.  跨文化沟通,与海外供应商及合作伙伴建立良好的合作关系。

Capable of cross-cultural communication, establishing sound relationships with overseas suppliers and partners.



1. 电气工程、机电一体化、制冷和暖通等相关专业本科或以上学历。

Have a university degree or a higher degree in Electrical Engineering, Mech-Electronical Engineering, HVAC or relevant programs.

2. 5年以上厂房末端工程项目经验,3年以上同岗位工作经验,有海外项目采购管理经验优先考虑。

More than 5 years of experiences in final-phase factory engineering, more than 3 years of experiences in similar positions, better if having managing experiences in overseas procurement.

3. 采购具备扎实的采购管理、供应链管理及国际贸易知识。

Have solid knowledge in procurement, supply chain and international trade management.

4. 英语听说读写流利,可作为工作语言。

Fluent in English, can use English as working language.

5. 具备强烈的责任心、良好的商业谈判能力和问题解决能力。

Strong sense of responsibility, excellent negotiation and problem-solving abilities.

6. 了解并熟悉匈牙利的法律法规、税收政策、贸易环境和进口报关流程层。

Familiar with Hungarian laws, regulations, tax policies, trade environment and import & insulation processes.



Hungarian Translator,



1. 负责项目建设过程中现场口译、笔译。

Responsible for the interpretation and translation requirements throughout the project.

2. 负责部门会议、商务谈判、对外联络的现场翻译和口译工作。

Responsible for the on-site interpretation and translation for the department meetings, negotiations and local communications.

3. 负责施工方案、标准的文字翻译、商务函件等起草及回复。

Responsible for the drafting and replying of Construction Method, Formal Documents and Business Letters.

4. 负责翻译资料文件的整理归档工作。

Responsible for the archive management of translated documents.



1. 匈牙利语相关专业本科或以上学历;

Have a university degree or a higher degree in Hungarian Language or relevant programs;

2. 匈牙利语听说读写流利,可作为工作语言,能够在多语言环境中工作。

Fluent in Hungarian, can use Hungarian as working language, and can work in a multi-lingual environment.

3. 3年以上翻译工作经验,有工程类翻译经验优先。

More than 3 years of translation & interpretation experiences, better if having experiences in the field of engineering.

4. 有海外工程项目翻译工作经验优先。

The candidate is expected to have experiences in overseas engineering projects.